torsdag den 18. april 2013

Thailand: The Floating Market in Bangkok and Climate in Thailand

The main slogan for promoting Thailand is "Amazing Thailand". Since 1967 is the number of tourist grown from 336.000 visitors to more than 22 million visitors.

Bangkok and the floating market
Bangkok is one of the most visited cities in the world.

One of the attractions most tourists in Thailand visit is the floating market; small boats are selling vegetables and fruits etc. as the video I found on YouTube show.

The climate in Thailand
The climate in Thailand is controlled by a monsoon; most visitors from the western world are visiting Thailand between Christmas and New Year; the climate is at this time of the year dry.

The climate is divided into a dry season from November to February; a rainy season and a cool season from February to November.     

More information about Thailand
On the site “Amazing Thailand Always Amazes You” is a lot of information about Thailand; on their YouTube channel are also a lot of videos about Thailand.

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